I didn’t want to partake in in*tober due to issues with the creator, however, I had psyched myself up to draw a lil piece everyday in October 2020 so I did a generic brand ‘October drawing challenge™. This was my first time ‘completing’ this challenge (I missed a few days due to other deadlines). I tried to keep things simple and spooky and I think because of that I really loved it.
P.S. Sometimes squarespace does this fun prank where it lists the photos in a random order so apologies if they’re out of order. Hope you enjoy !

Day 31: A chill lil witch for Halloween !

Day 30: This wasn't meant to be Ramona flowers...i wasn't thinking about Ramona flowers but then suddenly...it was Ramona Flowers?

Day 29: Drawing a septum ring when you don't really draw noses is always risky and regret is a strong word.

Day 27 & 28: I had a deadline for a collaborative month long project on Halloween and was really feeling it these days...also wetransfer replied and told me they loved me too. I drew these separately but on the same piece of paper.

Day 26: This might be my favourite? Definitely top 3. I love this lil werewolf idiot; I like to imagine you're on a date with her and she just can't resist the moon.

Day 25: Frankenstein('s monster)'s outfit is actually something I would wear now.

Day 24: I would also wear Dracula's fire trousers.

Day 23: Always, always, always share your fries with the ones you love.

Day 22: Look at this little angel baby cherub. There are two wolves living inside of me...one is my childhood self who hated cherubs and the other is an elderly hoarder who has thousands of cherub statues.

Day 21: I haven't watched as much anime in my life as I have during the pandemic. Here's baby Crona and Maka from Soul Eater. I love a non-binary character and Crona is my absolute favourite.

Day 20: The pumpkins from Pottsfield town in Over The Garden Wall are peak character design !

Day 19: 'Hey kids, I baked you some cookies'- my partner asked if the pattern on the gloves were lobster claws, I intended them to be lily pads but...I like that better.

Day 18: I wanted to do something that was almost white on black instead of the other way around.

Day 17: Grumpy witch

Day 16: I don't smoke for the record.
Day 15: A baby witch and her friend trying out some things (and they're not working).
Day 14: This one is the aftermath of day 12! A friend said they'd make this foresty-goblin-witch pancakes everyday for depression-curing hugs. They're now forest roommates and besties.
Day 13: Will you make a deal with this foresty-goblin-witchy friend?
Day 12: A rare prompt from #witchtober for 'grave'. She's reading them a bedtime story and she does all the spooky voices a dead kid could dream of. I took an (unplanned) break days 8-11, I don't remember why.
Day 7: Mullet, mullet, mullet.
Day 6: The beauty of black and white art...is that blood or something else? I don't know and she'll never tell.
Day 5: Lost your shoes in this tiny box, friend !
Day 4: A self portrait drawn at 6am...after my second all-nighter...the deadline wasn't even for another few weeks...I'm just like this.
Day 3: Another #witchtober prompt- 'forest'.
Day 2: A rare #cringetober prompt ! 'Animal ears'. I present you; cat-girl-grrl-gang.
Day 1: Drawn at approximately 11:59 on October 1st.