Meat4Burgers: Welcome to Burgertory is an ongoing indie YA+ weird-slice-of-live-esoteric-teen-sci-fi-horror about the existential horror of minimum wage jobs. It began as 20 page zines, then became a 500%+ funded 100+ page graphic novel.
The story that follows Trace, a teen who wakes up in fast food restaurant, VAL-U-BURGER™ . They have no idea who they are or how they got there, but they have a nametag and a job to do.
Buy issue one and two: click here
Soda and Telepath’s feature: click here
Broken Frontier’s review: click here

Praise for Meat4Burgers
"I got to peep MEAT4BURGERS a little while back, and it's so good! Part mystery, part drama, part horror. Go grab a copy now!"
— Skylar Patridge, Artist (Wonder Woman)
"Some stories have efficient world-building. Meat 4 Burgers has excellent HELLscaping, dropping you into a twisted elsewhere that is deftly tempered with heart and humor. I want more."
— Brent Fisher, Editor/ Writer (The Color of Always, Psalms for the Changed)
Meat 4 Burgers is a delightfully fun blend of cosmic horror and workplace comedy that's full of memorable characters and intriguing mystery."
— Ben Khan, Writer (Renegade Rule, Elle Campbell wins Their Weekend, Heavenly Blues)
"A really well cartooned expression of the claustrophobic chaos of minimum wage jobs and the horror they inflict as numbing normality."
— Ritesh Babu, Writer/ Critic (Polygon, PanelXPanel, Vox)
Promotional art from our Crowdfundr to reprint issue 1 and print issue 2:

trigger warnings: discussion of death, general sadness/ angst/ hopelessness , emetophobia